If you are one of those people who feel better by talking to someone who understands you and sharing your experiences, and at the same time, you want this talk to be more than a simple heartache, then group therapy is the one. It is the place you are looking for.
Why group therapy?
What is group therapy?
Group therapy or group psychotherapy is a type of psychological treatment in which one or more psychologists bring people who have similar problems and concerns together in a group. The members of this group talk to each other about their experiences under the guidance and scientific guidance of a psychologist, they listen to each other, they are placed in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and without judgment, and they get each other’s support. A therapy group may be large or small, short-term or long-term. Also, it may be designed to treat a specific illness or problem, such as depression or anxiety, or to improve life skills. Whatever the purpose of therapy groups, their advantages have been proven in various scientific researches.
Group Therapy and Group Coaching Sessions:

Dr. Taraneh Khodavirdi
- There are only two things that determine the state of your life: luck and the quality of your decisions.
- The only thing you can control and that influences the future of your life is the quality of your decisions.

Dr. Atefeh Zabihi
In this group, we learn how to deal with our child’s emotions. What is the emotion of anger and how can we face it? How does anxiety manifest itself and what can be done to manage it? What is the fear of failure in my child and how can we react to it?

Dr. Morteza Keshmiri
- In this course, we practice to understand the current situation of our life and clarify for ourselves how we want to be a person and how life is good for us.
- And …

Dr. Tinush Moshirifar
In this engaging course, you’ll learn how to clearly and independently define the essential aspects of your relationship. Gain insight into the emotional baggage you and your partner may carry from the past, and find effective ways to address it. By understanding and embracing each other’s vulnerabilities, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the challenges of your relationship.

Dr. Taraneh Khodaverdi
- In this course, we challenge common myths about self-confidence
- We learn how to effectively manage our negative thoughts
- And …

Sahar Mohamadi
- In this course, we want to use the combination of ACT with compassion, beyond getting relief from pain, to the category of building and reviving life, after the occurrence of these crises.

Dr. Morteza Keshmiri
- In this course, we practice to understand the current situation of our life and clarify for ourselves how we want to be a person and how life is good for us.
- And …

Dr. Taraneh Khodavirdi
In this group, we will learn what factors and how it causes unconscious and uncontrolled eating to happen? And how do we take control of our minds and thoughts in a kind way to train us to eat again?
Why should we choose group therapy?
The many advantages of group therapy have made psychologists try to form such therapeutic communities in different approaches. These are the most important of these advantages:
- We realize we are not alone: Members of therapeutic groups are those who have similar experiences, concerns and problems. Knowing that others are experiencing the same issues as us helps us relax and feel understood.
- We find a support network: Common concerns make the members of the group understand each other’s words well and provide emotional support to each other or offer healthy solutions to each other in the form of group rules.
- We get a new perspective on our issues: Knowing how people with similar problems interpret the situation and how to help themselves, makes us gain a new perspective on ourselves and our lives and see everything from a different angle.
- We are placed in a confidential and non-judgmental atmosphere: Maybe you have sometimes felt that even the closest people in your life judge your decisions and behavior and you worry about telling them your secrets. In the group therapy environment, because people are not present in other parts of each other’s lives, all the words are easier to tell and we don’t have to worry about being judged because of having similar experiences.
- We practice social skills: Having the ability to empathize, actively listen, not judge, confidentiality and attention to the suffering of others are among the most key social and communication skills. To have a healthy and effective presence in group therapy, it is necessary to practice all these skills together with other members.
- We benefit from the guidance and support of a psychologist: Group therapy is not a simple session to get hurt. Psychologists are familiar with the scientific principles of group therapy and are present in all sessions. They give scientific advice, take care of the mental state of the members and make sure that the discussions do not go out of the effective and healthy state.